Some of the human values are as follows:
Truth, goodness, love, service, charity, friendship, equality, dedication, sympathy, humility, non-violence towards all beings, cleanliness, respect for all, helping the poor, old and the sick, giving food and education to the needy.
Human values can be grouped under following main categories:
- Sathya (Truth)
- Dharma (Righteousness)
- Shanti (Peace)
- Prema (Love), and
- Ahimsa (Non-violence)
‘Truth is the highest among these values. (i.e. there is no Dharma greater than adherence to truth). Dharma is born out of Sathya, and from Dharma emerges Peace and from Peace emerges Love. Where there is Love, there can be no hatred. One who has Love will adhere to Non-violence. Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa are the five cardinal human values. One who practises these human values is a human being in the true sense of the term. Even if he lacks one of these, he cannot be called a perfect human being. Therefore, we should develop all these five values.’
Source: "Towards Excellence...How to Teach" By Dr. M. Thirumaleshwar